Site Map

This is the site map, from here you can browse sections or find information relating to advertising and contacts. (Last updated 07/16/07)


SC4: A Cityscape: Our cityscape project open to the SC4 community.
SC4: City Exchange:
An exchange supported by members in our cityscape project.
Civilization II & III: A subsite on City Of Sims.
Reviews: Product/service reviews and archives of our newsletter.
The Sims/Sims 2: A portal site to our favourites.
File Database: The file database for the site's content.

Blog Network: Our hosted blog service, the listed blogs are ones which are publicly listed.
Image Gallery: This is our picture, mms, etc hosting area. For now this area will remain ad-free until we roll out premium accounts.

Store: A listing of favourite games, top sellers and a planned City of Sims cafe. All sales from this affiliate page goes towards supporting our running costs, staff, etc.


Advertisement Info:

Ads handled by Ad Engadge will be the cheapest short term ad solution in US dollars, since these ads are by days, weeks, etc. they'll be approved without any written proposal. However staff can reject ads based on content or questionable services.

For a limited time ad space starts at €20/yr.

Ad space is priced in Euros, why you may ask? 50+% of the traffic is from Europe and many requests were in Euros or GBP so the decision was to scrap USD pricing. With the reworked pricing we understand interested Americans & Canadians will notice the pricing has increased due to the exchange rate. To help with this issue, we'll try our best to offer a reasonable 3-6 month bundle or yearly rate.

Our featured offers & requirements:

Requirements: All businesses interested in 1yr ads placement must write a proposal to how it'll benefit or target our visitor base. Content of person/business site shouldn't exceed PG-13, if content violates this requirement an email will request changes or refund of remaining rate. Ad space is non-transferable/resellable, rare events such as mergers will be allowed transfer of ad space or refund based on remaining rate.

Sitewide ads will require a proposal and if accepted, future extensions will be very flexible. City of Sims wants to limit the number of ads sold under this because our goal is to support a project, community of fans and maintain a reasonablely supported site.

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