City Of Sims: A Cityscape

The original idea for this site is to maintain three seperate Cityscapes and use Mac friendly addons. How will this be broken up you may ask? There will be a plain Simcity 4 cityscape, a Rush Hour cityscape and a cityscape which uses various mods voted by active members of this site. As of 12/3/2006, the plain SC4 cityscape is retired and future cityscapes will require "Rush Hour" expansion pack.

Cityscape 2.0: City Of Sims Island Region

Cityscape "Rush Hour": City Of Sims Region

News 10/7/2007:

The original cityscape is now reset while keeping the staff city in place, this move should allow renewed interest.
A few updates are planned on Cityscape 2.0, a blog format will be tested for posting screenshots and city info.

News 8/26/2007:

Refreshed the Cityscape 2.0 map as someone has recently joined as a guest. The older Cityscape will be reset next month while the staff city will remain since it'll make it easier for other users to have better city growth rates and also the ability to buy power/water resources.

News 5/14/2007:

Cityscape 2.0 is officially launched. The original cityscape will be kept online as long as there is any interest. The new change with the original cityscape will be turns can now go 30-35 game years per weekly submission, this should renew some interest for the smaller region.
Project goals are are:
-Users can play their cities to 30-35 game years and upload them to the Image Gallery's SC4:Cityscape folder.
-The region info will follow a once a week refresh of city info, cityscape picture will be updated based on how much the region has changed from the last screenshot.
-Users can request for their own CityBlog.
-Another RH Cityscape will be added if there is demand for a different region map.

News 12/3/2006:

Cityscape for the plain SC4 is retired, it remained inactive for a full year while the Rush Hour cityscape had more interest from visitors. As for the plans of restarting the RH cityscape, it'll continue until forumers change their minds. Also long term plans will include an archive if/when users quit and want to return, it'll bring the option of continue from the last city or start new again.



Other Site News

Other sections are planned or in the works. CivGaming receives ad space for 1yr.

Long term plans of City of Sims is to remain ad supported instead of donations, if you want to indirectly support this cityscape we recommend visiting the store link. If you're interested in text link, button, menu side or full sidebar ads please contact us. For a limited time we'll offer ad space starting at $25/yr to anyone interested. More details about advertising will be located in the site map directory.

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